Latest manual updates
In this section you can check what the major manual updates were about and when they were released.
- Fixed bugs in:
- Minor updates
- Updated/added sections affected by the release of openLCA new version 2.4:
- Analysis groups newly added
- Databases updated
- Model graph updated
- Other updates (e.g. "child categories" are now called "categories" and new screenshots reflect this change)
- Chapters restructured:
- The chapters in the sidebar are now collapsed bu default at the first level when opening the manual. They can be expanded manually or browsed in the new TOC (see point below).
- Added Table of content
- Latest manual updates section can now be fount a the bottom of the of the manual.
- Minor updates
- Chapters in the sidebar are now collapsible
- Updated "Calculate CFs for selected locations" section in "Regionalized LCIA" section
- Updated importing JSON-LD options description
- Minor updates
- Addition of a life cycle stage modeling approach to the LCA case study
- Note about flow locations and update of the "Regionalization" section
- Minor updates
- Adapted to changes coming along with the release of openLCA 2.3
- Novel chapter on "Dependent Parameters"
- Expanded the "Tags" chapter and their use for result analysis
- Expanded the "Monte Carlo Simulation" chapter and the connection to data quality
- Rescaled figures
- Novel "soda4LCA" feature is described now in the EPD section
- Updated the "Regionalization" section
- Added a description on how to model and use allocation for recycling
- Added an explanation on the existing LCIA methods and their scope
- Added a description on how to add characterisation factors
- Minor updates
- Added "Exporting product systems" section.
- Added "Constants, operators and functions for formulas in openLCA" section.
- Minor updates
- Added note on ILCD import in EPD section
- Minor updates
- EPD chapter improved with the new section "Calculate impact assessment", where you can find the different possible ways to calculate the impact assessment in EPD format.
- Minor updates