
Modeling and validation

The "Modeling and validation" tab is where you can input or find details on modeling and data and process validation.

Modeling and validation tab

The "Modeling and validation" tab is allows users to:

  • Specify the process type, whether it is a unit or system process.
  • Describe the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) method used.
  • Note any modeling constants utilized in the analysis.
  • Provide information about data completeness.
  • Discuss the data selection process if relevant to your study.
  • Detail the data treatment methods applied.
  • Discuss the sampling procedure employed for data collection.
  • Define and document the data collection period.
  • To add a data sources, click on the green "+" icon in the "Sources" section. If the required source is not listed, you can add a new one by right-clicking on the "Sources" folder in the Navigation and selecting "New source."
  • You can also include reviewers by clicking the blue "Add actors" icon within this section. If the actor you want to add isn't listed under "Actors," you can create a new one by right-clicking on the "Actor" folder in the Navigation panel and selecting "New actor."

Adding a new actor in the navigation panel

It's important to note that the entries in the modeling and validation section do not have any impact on the actual calculations.

Administrative information

The "Administrative Information" tab is where you can input or find dataset-related details such as ownership, publication, access and use restrictions, and more. It's important to note that the entries in the administrative information section do not have any impact on the actual calculations.


Administrative information of a process