Upstream trees

This method returns the result nodes of a given impact category for a given path in an upstream contribution tree. The path is a sequence of technosphere-flows that describe the path to the parent node of the returned nodes. If the path is empty, the root of the tree is returned. Note that such an upstream tree can be infinitely deep when the calculated system has cycles.

Rest APIPOST result/{result-id}/upstream-impacts-of/{impact-category}
Snake caseresult.get_upstream_impacts_of
Camel caseresult.getUpstreamImpactsOf
Return typeList[UpstreamNode]
Parameter 1Ref[ImpactCategory]
Parameter 2List[TechFlow]



The TypeScript example below uses the olca-ipc.ts client API:

async function main() {

  // connect to a local server running on port 8080
  const client = o.IpcClient.on(8080);
  const setup = o.CalculationSetup.of({
    target: o.Ref.of({
      id: "d3a9a9b2-ec3e-4811-8617-ae853573b50b",
      refType: o.RefType.ProductSystem,
    impactMethod: o.Ref.of({
      id: "07370e48-dde9-4248-9a9b-7255f701da89",
  const result = await client.calculate(setup);
  await result.untilReady();

  // select the first best impact category and expand a tree for it
  const indicator = (await result.getImpactCategories())[0];
  console.log(`upstream tree for ${}`);
  await expand(result, indicator, []);

  // as always, dispose the result

async function expand(r: o.IpcResult, indicator: o.Ref, path: o.TechFlow[]) {
  const level = path.length;
  const indent = "  ".repeat(level);
  const unit = indicator.refUnit;
  const nodes = await r.getUpstreamImpactsOf(indicator, path);
  for (const node of nodes) {
    if (node.result === 0) {
    const name = node.techFlow?.provider?.name;
    const value = node.result?.toExponential(2);
    console.log(`${indent}- ${value} ${unit} :: ${name}`);

    // we stop the expansion after 3 levels; you can set other cut-offs like
    // result contributions etc.
    if (level < 3) {
      const next = path.slice();
      await expand(r, indicator, next);


upstream tree for Photochemical ozone formation
- 2.66e-2 kg NMVOC eq ...
  - 2.66e-2 kg NMVOC eq ...
    - 1.13e-2 kg NMVOC eq ...
      - 4.69e-3 kg NMVOC eq ...
      - 4.53e-3 kg NMVOC eq ...
      - 1.41e-3 kg NMVOC eq ...

    - 8.72e-3 kg NMVOC eq ...
      - 4.18e-3 kg NMVOC eq ...
      - 4.18e-3 kg NMVOC eq ...
      - 1.01e-4 kg NMVOC eq ...

The Python example below uses the utree module of the API which makes working with upstream trees a bit more convenient:

import olca_schema as o
import olca_ipc as ipc
import olca_ipc.utree as utree

# maximum number of levels and child nodes that should be expanded

def main():
    # calculate a result
    client = ipc.Client()
    setup = o.CalculationSetup(
    result = client.calculate(setup)

    # select the first impact category for the tree
    ref = result.get_impact_categories()[0]
    print(f"\nTree for {}, results in {ref.ref_unit}:")

    # create the upstream tree and expand it
    root = utree.of(result, ref)
    expand(root, 0)

    # always dispose the result

def expand(node: utree.Node, level: int):
    """This function recursively expands an upstream tree.

    The maximum number of levels and maximum number of child nodes are defined
    with the constants above. Note that an upstream tree can be
    indent = "  " * level
    print(f"{indent} - {} : {node.result}")
    if level < MAX_EXPAND_LEVELS:
        for c in node.childs[0:MAX_EXPAND_NODES]:
            expand(c, level + 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":