8.3 Configuration
We have prepared a configuration guide on openLCA.org - Configuration Guide. Also you can find some settings described below.Changing settings in the web application

8.3.1 Basic Settings
Servername: The Server name, used for two-factor-authentication (optional)
Server base url: The base url used when linking pages in the notification emails
Repositories root directory: In this directory, the repository data sets will be stored, this will need extended disk space, depending on the amount of data sets committed.
Root directory for library id files: In this directory, configured library data set ref ids will be stored
Glad service base url: The base url to an external GLAD service
Glad service api key: To push data set descriptors to the GLAD service, an API key is required, which can be set here.
Elasticsearch cluster: The cluster name of your elasticsearch installation (default: elasticsearch)
Elasticsearch server url: The host address of the elasticsearch installation (default: localhost)
Elasticsearch index name: The name of the elasicsearch index used for this collaboration server instance (default: lca- collaboration)