3.2 Repositories - Create a new repository for your working group
Go to Repository in the main menu. Click to create or import a new repository. There are several ways to upload the database the user wants to work with to the repository in the Collaboration Server:
- Create new repository and commit the database from openLCA (section 3.4)
- Import JSON-LD file from a previously exported JSON-LD file from the desired database in openLCA.
- Import repository – this option imports a previously exported repository zip file (e.g. from another CS, or maybe a backup file)
It is very important that all of the users that will be using the repository have the same version of the database that is uploaded to the repository. Users can also create a new database in their openLCA and ‘pull’ the database in the repository.
When creating a repository, it is possible to limit the repository’s maximum size on the server (0 = unlimited). For more about the repository board, see section 2.3.1.