Total process results

This method returns the total results related to the total requirements $t_j$ of a technosphere flow \(j\)) in the calculated product system. This includes the direct, upstream, and downstream contributions related to $t_j$. Mathematically, it is the column \(j\) of the intensity matrix \(M\) scaled by the totality factor \(tf_j\):

$$ M[:,j] * tf_j $$

RESTGET result/{result-id}/total-flows-of/{tech-flow}
Python IPCResult.get_total_flows_of
Return typeList[EnviFlowValue]
Parameter typeTechFlow

It is also possible to get the total result value for a single flow:

RESTGET result/{result-id}/total-flow-of/{envi-flow}/{tech-flow}
Python IPCResult.get_total_flow_of
Return typeEnviFlowValue
Parameter typeEnviFlow
Parameter typeTechFlow