Get descriptors

This function is useful for exploring the content of a database. It returns a list of data set descriptors for a given data set type. A descriptor contains just a few information, like the name or category path, to understand the content of a data set. Descriptors are valid data set references; they can be used to reference a data set in a given context (e.g. referencing a process as calculation target in a calculation setup).

Rest APIGET /data/{type}
Return typeList[Ref]


Python IPC

import olca_ipc as ipc
import olca_schema as o

client = ipc.Client()
refs = client.get_descriptors(o.FlowProperty)
for ref in refs:
# Area
# Area*time
# Duration
# Energy

JSON-RPC via Fetch API

The example below shows the usage of this method using the JSON-RPC protocol via the Fetch API which is available in modern web-browsers or platforms like Deno.

  let resp = await fetch("http://localhost:8080", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      jsonrpc: "2.0",
      id: 1,
      method: "data/get/descriptors",
      params: {
        "@type": "FlowProperty"
  let descriptors = await resp.json();
  // {
  //   jsonrpc: "2.0",
  //   id: 1,
  //   result: [
  //     {
  //       "@type": "FlowProperty",
  //       "@id": "838aaa20-0117-11db-92e3-0800200c9a66",
  //       name: "Goods transport (mass*distance)",
  //       category: "Technical flow properties",
  //       refUnit: "t*km"
  //     },